Map / Map Panels / Map Layers / Map Layers
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    Map Layers
    In This Topic

    Nevron Map for Reporting Services supports multiple map layers. Map layers are added, removed and edited by the Map Layers Tab of the Map Major Tab (Map > Map Layers). Nevron Map for Reporting Services must have at least one map layer, which is created by default. The default map layer is configured to show the predefined world map. Each map layer has the following tabs:


    This tab helps you select the visibility of the map layer as well as the ESRI shape data that the layer displays. Each layer is associated with an ESRI .shp file (shape file - defines the geometry of the shapes displayed by the layer) and an optional .dbf file (map data file - defines the data associated with the shape file geometry). Nevron Map for SSRS comes with predefined maps for the World, USA, and all USA states. You can display custom shape files (in ESRI format).

    Besides the map displayed by the layer, the map tab lets you choose the field of the joint table (see The Map Data Model) that is used for value of the layer shapes, as well as the field from the joint table that is used for text of the shapes.

    For more information see Layer - Map.

     Data Cell

    This tab lets you define the data fields that are associated with the map layer data cell. As described in the The Map Data Model topic, each data cell can have an arbitrary number of data fields. After the data binding, which joins the map data with the data table produced by the report item, the resulting joint table contains columns for both the original map data and the layer data fields. This lets you "map" reporting data to geographical data.

    Besides the data fields, each data cell may contain settings for "per shape" custom appearance and action. This lets you define dynamic appearance and action for each geographical shape in the map.

    For more information see Layer - Data Cell.

     Binding Fields

    This tab lets you define the pairs of fields with which to make the binding between the map data and the layer data table. A binding field is pair of map data column and a data cell field name. For a record from the map data to be bound to a record from the layer data table, all binding fields must result in equal values.

    For more information see Layer - Binding Fields.

     Fill Rule

    This tab defines the rule with which the map is filled. The general purpose of choropleth maps is to fill geographical shapes with specific colors that are dependant on a value associated with each shape. The rule which associates a color with a specific value is known as fill rule.

    For more information see Layer - Fill Rule.


    This tab defines the information that the map layer displays on the legend associated with it. Each map layer can be associated with a different legend and can display different information about itself inside that legend.

    For more information see Layer - Legend


    This tab defines the default appearance of the shapes displayed by the layer.

    For more information see Layer - Appearance.